
"The attacks, and our response to them, catalyzed a period of decline that helped turn the United States into the debased, half-crazed fading power we are today. America launched a bad-faith global crusade to instill democracy in the Muslim world and ended up with our own democracy in tatters."


@sneak Not a mention of the Patriot Act, NSA domestic spying, opaquely-designed voting machines, or no-fly lists, but plenty of handwringing about the white devil and January 6th. More "democracy is when people agree with us" garbage from the Paper of Record.
@mrsaturday @sneak they helped legitimize the wars, they should all be hanged.
@Moon @sneak Decided to see what the author of this thonkpiece was up to in 2002. The answer? Concern trolling the antiwar movement as extremist-infiltrated.
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