
what browser am i going to switch to when chrome/chromium breaks ublock origin?

@sneak Well, I've used Firefox for a long time now and it supports ublock origin, so perhaps Firefox?

@SethBrown lol firefox has been around for how long now? and i'm still asking this question?

@sneak Well, I was looking at Chromium recently, and I noticed that it didn't allow some of my favourite customisations that I have become accustomed to in Firefox, like :

autoscrolling - the ability to scroll using the mouse

left hand side scrollbar

the textern extension which allows me to use vim to edit TEXTAREA fields

noscript extension - the ability to selectively block/allow javascript from different sites while loading a page

so, IDK, it seems like Firefox has some good features ...?

elinks? links2 w3m....

The browsers which are easy on the eyes.............
Probably just Firefox.

Because now Opera, Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, Edge, Comodo Dragon - are all based on Chromium
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