12.x (monterey) includes apple's paid icloud addon Private Relay, which is their first-party privacy vpn thing. they are now financially incentivized to make non-apple VPN products and services work less well or not work at all.

@sneak should be fucking illegal. all of it. there should be third party icloud competitors (including, if i so choose, myself).

@MischievousTomato @mastodon apple hardware is tied to use of apple software. apple software preferentially places apple services. thus, you cannot buy and use apple hardware without jumping through hoops to not become and apple services customer. they are leveraging their market performance in one market (hardware) to gain an edge in a different market (online services).

same reason people think amazon snooping on 3p sales data via FBA to find which products to clone should be illegal.

@sneak @mastodon i can't fault apple for doing that because I'd love to be able to control everything i build the same they do

@MischievousTomato @mastodon just because you can relate in the thirst for power and control over hardware that doesn't belong to you doesn't mean that it should be permitted. i'd love to be a dictator of earth, but i will still complain about dictators.

@sneak @mastodon idk... it's their platform, they should be able to do what they want
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