what a strange, inverted world.

it used to be we bought expensive, underpowered hardware to be able to use this revolutionary thing called the macOS.

now, we get affordable, insanely world-leading hardware... and the worst part is the bullshit toy spyware known as the macOS. i donate money every month to a project that will get some crapware free software OS running on it simply because even that garbage will be better than what comes on it.

@sneak most people who malign osx would lose in a efficiency battle getting things done against someone using such a machine. apple/msft have poured billions into polishing these.


@xorman i meant from a privacy standpoint. i'm still running macOS even though i have to jump through a ton of hoops to disable its incessant phone-home. having invested that time, most basic tasks are much faster and less of a hassle than on linux machines.

it's sort of at the point where i need/use both. linux when i'm doing low level engineering stuff (e.g. editing partition tables, advanced virtualization, et c) and macOS when i'm doing web/pdf/dev/ide/etc stuff.

@xorman you get credit for paying attention though :)

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