signal is now doing single-view images (like snapchat) in addition to expiring messages, and letting remote users delete messages from my device. this is a form of DRM and now i have to maintain a patched signal client. sweet.

@sneak If your Signal client had a setting of "I refuse to allow senders to withdraw content from my device", the person trying to send a single-view image could be told in advance that "this isn't available for ..."

That would be a better way around, mutual consent, not assumed or enforced compliance.


@yojimbo no nothing like that, i don't consent to it leaking information about my settings to others either. i'm just going to patch out the parts that delete anything ever from my device or prevent me from viewing messages i have already received. anything other is just my computer gaslighting me. remote users don't get to delete my files in my inbox.

@sneak That sounds like you're creating the opposite problem for the other people you're using Signal with - they have an expectation of a particular interface, and you're going to actively subvert it.

I understand the point about not leaking your own preference data, and I'm not sure there's a simple model that satisfies both you and an unaware user of Signal.

@yojimbo having an expectation of being able to delete files remotely from my device without my consent is not a reasonable expectation. i happily subvert that. my devices are not allowed to gaslight me.

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