
apps i need to write:

- centralized selfhosted instagram/pixelfed clone with a react native uploader client

- twitter v1 clone that just lists all your friends last status

- clock ( is shit)

- start page

oh, and a minimal selfhosted discord clone (mattermost is spyware)

@sneak so far mattermost is my favorite foss char app. can't you disable the telemetry?

@mastodon you can and i do but the fact that it's f/oss and spyware means that it can never be trusted. mine's years out of date because i don't want to maintain a patchset

@sneak @mastodon Isn't it more work to make a new version vs maintain a patchset?

@surfingalot @mastodon perhaps but mattermost is a big codebase and reading code is more hard than writing it

@sneak I think flutter is better than react native nowadays. I've heard many positive experiences in using it, it's not javascript, it's not a wrapper shell around a native UI and can be used for desktop clients too.

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