"I'm Lena. I retired from modelling a long time ago. It's time I retire from tech too."


@meena the fact that naked bodies are taboo because of american workplace baggage makes me super sad.

@sneak okay, we'll use your naked body for the next fifty years as standard image. without your consent.

@meena the copyright owner of the work (the photographer) is the person who needs to consent, not the people depicted.

@meena this sort of whining is pretty dumb imo; they go on for a while about copyrights of images, then admit that NFTs have nothing to do with copyrights. who gives a shit if someone is buying or selling an nft with a string that matches your name on it, or a URL to an image of you? nobody is being harmed, it's just whiners looking for an excuse to whine. (for the record, i think NFTs are dumb.)

@sneak the things being harmed are the environment, and gullible people's finances. some poor country's epectric power infrastructure.

Also: If i don't agree with the above, but my picture is being sold to further the above causes, then my reputation is also harmed.

@meena if your argument is against the environmental impact of the energy use of cryptocurrencies, then just be against PoW cryptocurrencies *in general* and don't confuse the issue with "but my face is on the listing on OpenSea!"

@sneak if it was more profitable to have an actual, functioning Crypto Currency, rather than a Ponzi Scheme Scam, any reputable crypto currency, such as Ethereum bills itself to be, would have switched to Proof of Stake already.


@meena that doesn't even logically follow. the idea that the difference between PoS or PoW is what enables or does not enable a ponzi scheme? do you know anything about blockchains? what am i missing here?

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