why do people feel that they should have the right to control the distribution of media (owned by other people) that depicts them?

if i take a photo of you, that's *my* photo, not yours, and you don't have any say in what i do with my photo. why would you?

@sneak@s.sneak.berlin If you take a photo of me, or for that matter my belongings, It's your foto, but the content isn't yours and as long as you don't have my agreement there is, and should be the right to "sue your ass off until you're crawling on the floor in your own soup".

There are restrictins to it, sure, like public areas and no focus on "me or my belongings", but in general it's a bit more to that. Before you can and should be free to do whatever you want to do with it.


@fabian yeah that's insane and very few countries enforce insane laws like that because the idea that the photo can be yours but the content of the photo isn't is a ridiculous mental contortion designed to prop up the idea of "personality rights" which are a fiction (like all intellectual "property")

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