i would like software that can mirror rss feeds to an activitypub account, please provide

@sneak, I made rsskey for Misskey, although it needs some rate limit to avoid choking the backend and I’ve been procrastinating on it. More exist for Mastodon API but I ain’t use any so can’t recommend a specific one.


@cnx you shouldn't release software under nonfree licenses like AGPL; i as a policy don't touch/use such things in my internal infra (and your script would have to be modified for my purposes)

your software is more useful to more people if you don't ship it with anticapitalist restrictions.

People can have different opinions... interesting

FYI @sneak AGPL is a free software license and I use it because I believe netizens deserve software freedom as well.

On the other hand, it’s probably overkill for the script and the script does not serve any additional user other than the runner so IIUC you do not have to provide the modification to anyone else bit yourself (the Affero clause would only applies if you provide a bridging service via a derivative). In addition, there’s nothing anticaptilistic about copyleft, but quite the opposite: it treats software as tools and facilitate a free market.

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