it's trendy to hate computers, hate software, hate the internet, and think they're making our world worse.

this is a stupid, stupid, naive, fad-chasing take. our world is better than it has ever been, and computers are largely responsible.

@sneak i think its naive to say that "computers" are good because they do and did good. Thats undifferentiated.

@claus ok cool we can agree to disagree i'll be over here reading about my computer sequenced genome and writing computer software on my computer which was designed by computer and manufactured by machines with computers

@sneak good luck with running your mac offline then. What you are saying is that critizising technology is stupid and naive because it did good things elsewhere. And I am just surprised by that because you are yourself criticizing a lot. (And I think criticizing is the only way to find balance). But be it, lets disagree.


@claus i figured out how to do it with marcan's advice, btw. you have to set the boot security mode to like medium/slightly reduced, so it will accept any previously signed OS version, not just "latest" (which requires an online signature that's a certain amount of recent)

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