If you are siding with Russia's government during this conflict, please block me.

@Gargron if anyone sides with Russia, they would've sided with Hitler. Remember these people. They are sociopaths.


@jonn @Gargron not necessarily, they may just be uninformed and ignorant of the fact that they are uninformed. there are lots of stupid and busy people out there. propaganda is effective.

@jonn i think that there was definitely a split between, say, waffen-ss invaders going into foreign countries in '41, and reservists trying to fend off the red army in berlin in '45.

also, civilians are almost never directly responsible for what their national military does, it's almost always literally impossible to exert any amount of control over them. most civilians are always against war of any kind unless they are sucked in with lies.

@jonn the claim that suddenly dozens of millions of people develop sociopathy doesn't hold water. it's propaganda, not some innate defect in the person. they got duped by people who are literal professionals at deceiving members of the public into supporting wars.

@sneak maybe you're right, but remember — most of them had a chance to see situation a *little* more clearly if they'd listen to their relatives over the tv. I know it holds for my mom, for instance.

@jonn oh, i'm not defending ignorance. i think ignorant people should be left to die of their own ignorance. i am just explaining it: it's not sociopathy, just dumb motherfuckers.

@sneak so in a way I was giving them too much credit, right?

@jonn the vast majority of human beings aren't intelligent or civilized in any way

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