Three weeks ago, I've replaced the gas stove with an induction stove (on overcapacity of my solarpanels) and heated the house with wood (trees felled by storms). I've spent €78 less on gas. Money that would otherwise flow to Russia.


@berkes woodsmoke is extremely dangerous to humans and is vastly more polluting than ng. your decrease in profit to russia is tiny. your damage to yourself, family, and neighbors is large. net loss.

@sneak you won't ever encounter my woodsmoke. I live remote. There are ~12 houses in 1km² (all burn wood)

I'm not saying you should burn wood in Berlin.

Please be more open to people's different situations.

@berkes it reenters those 12 houses and harms the inhabitants. you should never burn wood within 1km of any human, it is a health hazard. gas is a zillion times safer.

@sneak also: if all of private people .nl were to cut their ng usage with 2/3rd, netherlands would be independent of russian gas. Billions of €s not flowin there.

@sneak whats more: I live on the german border on the riverbanks of the main river into the Ruhrpott. Some 15+ giant ships each bringing 16000tonnes of coal to Germany to burn there for electricity and heat. Coal is about as bad as wood, but the CO₂is far worse'cause it wasn't captured in the last decades.

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