Of course it's common sense.

I'm looking for one indication that Republican legislators care about a human life outside of their immediate family and I really don't see any.

A majority of Americans think the minimum age to buy a weapon like an AR-15 should be at least 21, including most Republicans.

As long as Americans vote for Louis Gohmert and others like him, there will be no meaningful changes. When the potential solution shifts to hardening facilities and armed school resource officers or teachers with guns, there is something terribly, terribly wrong as research data proves that it won’t work. It's a ruse to sell more guns.

Since the majority of Americans want gun safely regulations but Republican elected officials won’t act, clean house in the House and the Senate. #Vote

Opinion | Six of the nine deadliest shootings since 2018 were perpetuated by those 21 or younger. Raising the minimum age just makes sense.

And I’m sure the gun-fetishist plan to have unannounced “live shooter drills” in schools will just do emotional wonders for the children and school staff. / s

Truly, the gun advocates are despicable people. The lowest dregs of the species…by choice.


@RJA @TonyStark either that or we recognize that disarming those disloyal to trump while leaving those loyal to trump armed as we head into a second trump presidency ends poorly

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