
I disagree: Linux is a competitor.

Microsoft does not like competitors.

Except well cooked and drenched in ketchup.

Microsoft is a monopoly, and it should have been burned down to the ground a long time ago. Sorry if this sounds like Linux fan boyism but this is a fact. What we had so far is a truce, while the monopoly studied carefully the newest adversary.

It is now ready to move, apparently.

@ParadeGrotesque @craigmaloney @trashheap that's not what monopoly means. you mean to say anticompetitive. microsoft is not a monopoly and never has been.


When you have 70% market share vs every other competitor... You are a monopoly. Period.


French has a term for this, which roughly translates as "abusive dominating position": sure, you are not a monopoly, in the sense that there are competitors. But your own position is so important you effectively control the market.

@craigmaloney @trashheap


@ParadeGrotesque @craigmaloney @trashheap depends on how you define the market. desktop computers are irrelevant now

@ParadeGrotesque @craigmaloney @trashheap microsoft/windows has a very tiny slice of the "computer operating system" market. the vast majority now are running linux (android).

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