OSMAnd is spyware that leaks your travel history to the OSMAnd developers, even if you have analytics/telemetry turned off!



This unethical and consent-violating data leak exists in both the iOS and Android versions. It's not an accident - they are deliberately phoning home with a unique identifier.

@sneak @coolboymew valid concern, but your wording makes it sound as if they added this for the sole purpose of tracking individuals and don't intend to do anything about it. Let's give them some time to respond before starting drama.

@jomo @sneak @coolboymew@shitposter.club Agree. I don’t like the UUID part but I don’t care about the IP part.

@greypilgrim @jomo the ip part is how it tracks your travel history (ip geolocation)

@sneak @jomo I understand how it works. There aren’t enough downloads in the app to track someone.

@sneak @jomo Even then, it’s not something you can get away from. Are you going to blame your e-mail provider next? The way things work today, if you fear your source IP history, then it’s up to the user to control it themselves (VPN).

@greypilgrim @jomo "if you don't like us collecting your data, hide"

no, fuck that. osmand is free software. i have already patched out the spyware antifeatures. i will probably distribute my fork. let users choose what they consent to.

@sneak @jomo Sounds like you’ve never had to protect your infrastructure from abuse or wanted to know where you needed to improve caching performance.


@greypilgrim @jomo yes i the victim must not relate sufficiently to the person appropriating my data without consent. debian and ubuntu solved this problem on a much larger scale without end user tracking. your comment is both factually incorrect (i have been a prod sysadmin in hostile environments for 20+ years) as well as a red herring (due to what i assume is ignorance of the state of the art)

@sneak Let's step back a minute.

You have a legitimate argument.

Time and resources come into question, but that really comes down to a question of value.

And there it is. I don't value the issue as much as you do.

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