I must say that I disagree with both hosts of #librelounge on the Github acquisition and Google SoC.

Indeed Github was never free, but it was an independent company, now it's in the hands of *the* historical enemy of free software. That's worrying, because alternatives do not really exist. We were too busy enjoying the PR workflow to really think about it. Niche alternatives won't replace the large community there, and most of these people don't care at all about freedom. So it's a loss.


#librelounge hosts then mention that Google's SoC is a good thing. No it's not, on two accounts:

1. it legitimizes a mass surveillance company as acceptable because it gives away to free software (but not AGPL, eh)

2. it prevents the free software community from seeking alternate funding, e.g., public funding, that is more appropriate to infrastructure.


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