
signal's serverside contact storage sgx handwavey bullshit is, in fact, bullshit, and should be called out more and better.

@sneak I've been thinking about just hosting a matrix server for friends and I to use to communicate. It's just so hard to trust anyone anymore....

@david Try XMPP: much lighter to host and less prone to data leaks.
It's hard to believe that a VC funded piece of software would be free of malice.

@xorman Appreciate the suggestion but I haven't posted about Matrix (I don't think)... How'd you know I'm just recently playing with it?

@david You agreed to having me as your personal assistant when you accepted the new terms of service and I was notified of the resource usage increase on your home server.
lol jk I am actually replying to a post of yours where you tell that you're thinking of running a matrix server

@xorman HA you really got me there at first. That must've been a post from before I borked up my instance and had to start over from scratch

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