Listening to nerds complain about Mastodon is a lesson in why they don’t want to be forced to trust anyone other than big corporations.
“How could instances possibly moderate content?!” I don’t know, the same way it worked before Twitter? Let’s stop pretending there is one true way of running a social network that’ll work perfectly forever.
@adrianhon every time you see someone say "moderate content" think "censor things for adult users who are perfectly capable of using their own block button if they wish"
@sneak @adrianhon you seriously think that or did my sarcasm detector fail here?
@metlos @adrianhon i seriously think that. how could you know better than another adult what they should be allowed to see and read?
@metlos @adrianhon moderation necessarily happens *after* the writing part is complete. that means it's not about what people have written (in the past), it's about stopping others from being able to read what has already been written (censorship).
@sneak @adrianhon I think we'll have to agree to disagree here. For me there's a long way from enforcing the code of conduct to censorship but I'll give you the point that the line can be blurry at times..