✨ Community CDN

An opt-in :pixelfed: service to offload remote/federated media hosting to a trusted community CDN operated by us.

You'll still have to store local media, but instead of storing remote/federated media, you can use the CDN to keep your hosting costs down.

Shipping to select instances next month, and available to all next year! #pixelfed #communityCDN

@pixelfed what is your plan to deal with CSAM? surely that would block GA of such a service?


@ariadne @pixelfed why do they need a special plan beyond any other service that supports UGC? this is a solved problem.

@xvilo @ariadne @pixelfed CSAM is removed when detected or reported. latency isn't really a big problem here and does not increase harm to anyone.

@xvilo @pixelfed @ariadne people (police, users) will report this data whenever it is encountered generally. it's only a tiny fraction of users who see CP and do not notify admins. pretty much everyone loses their shit when CP is around.

@sneak @pixelfed @ariadne Seems fair! Although I wouldn't call that "solved". It's just as vulnerable as any other UGC site, although a lot of instances do have policies around it

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