twitter blue is not available if your phone number carrier is protected by hardware 2FA, only if you use a phone number from a mobile carrier that lets you get sim swapped.
@yangwenli i would assume you care because you are replying? if you didn't care, you wouldn't be in my notifications, you'd be quiet, like all the other people who don't care
@sneak Phone number protected by hardware MFA? Bei wem gibt’s denn sowas? 🤔
@FrankEndrullat Google Voice
@sneak Völlig verpennt dass das wohl jetzt auch in D-Land zu haben ist. Danke!
@FrankEndrullat is it? i don't think it is. german law requires that anyone getting a phone number in germany has to show ID, as far as i know.
@sneak You’re right. You still need a US number for the sign up if I read this correctly
@kaia google voice, natch