@lewin@digitalcourage.social @kkarhan @kubikpixel @schurt3r

we are not talking about iCloud Photos. iCloud Photos are already scanned in iCloud by Apple for illegal content as they are not end to end encrypted.

we're talking about LOCAL, ON-DEVICE scanning for people who DO NOT USE ICLOUD.

apple's denial has nothing to do with the topic under discussion.


@lewin@digitalcourage.social @kkarhan @kubikpixel @schurt3r

importantly, Apple's denial regarding their previously proposed scanning tool for *iCloud Photos* leaves them wide open to deploy on-device scanning for NON-iCloud (i.e. LOCAL) photos without lying.

Apple does this sort of PR all of the time. It exploits poor reading comprehension and causes people to misunderstand, then report and amplify those misunderstandings.

It's important to remember that all photos in iCloud are *already being scanned* svrside

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