Our second #NoTechForApartheid panel moderated by @alex will start soon. You can join here: youtube.com/watch?v=QVrjA-5Ak0

To recap, this panel has

1. Caroline Hunter who co-founded the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement which forced the company to pull out of apartheid South Africa who you can read about here: dissentmagazine.org/online_art

2. Ariel Koren who was pushed out of Google for tireless advocacy on the Drop Nimbus and #NoTechForApartheid campaigns. See the campaign page here. notechforapartheid.com


@timnitGebru lol at thinking the military-industrial complex will divest itself of its military customers. tech isn’t distinct anymore. google and amazon and msft are the raytheon and boeing and lockheed of our time.

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