Is Trump ahead in the polls, because Biden is losing support amongst one of his key demographics: Black men? Or are the polls all a lie?

Trump ahead in polls?

Biden camp doesn't believe the polls?

Either way, the most important thing to do, is to ignore, insult, argue with, and generally disrespect, Black men online! 🤡 Find a Black man, and yell "Trump is worse!" in his face as hard as you can! Swear at him, and threaten him with violence!


If a man asks a woman out, saying that he's "a nice guy," the woman might still politely decline. She might start to explain why she's not comfortable giving her phone number to men on the street. If the "nice guy," suddenly calls the woman a stupid ****, and tells her "Chad is worse!" and "Have fun getting hit! You deserve what happens to you!" we see that he was never a nice guy.

Pretend that you do understand this, but that you don't understand why "Trump is worse!" is so ineffective.🤡


I don't care if Black men vote 100% for Biden.

Or 90% for Biden.

Or 80% for Biden.

Or 70% for Biden.

Or 60% for Biden.

If Biden doesn't win, it will be the fault of people who vote more than 50% for Trump. Stop expecting Black people to save you. That's not what we're here for. We exist outside of the world of being a voting block every 4 years.

Your "democracy" only works if Black people vote 90% plus for a candidate whose policies exposed them to genocide levels of harm. That's garbage.

The problem isn't Black voters.

The problem isn't Trump.

The problem isn't even Biden.

The problem is you, the Dem voter. Yes, you.

Your willingness to ignore the suffering of Black people, and to expect us to continue to vote against our self-interest, has brought us to this point.

Even now, for the brink of disaster, more of you are angry at me for typing this, than angry at yourself for never listening to Black people.

I swear at least one person is typing a "Trump is worse!" reply.


@mekkaokereke yes the problem is definitely that we don't have enough white guilt

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