
Looks like Nextcloud's synchronization program said everything was synced but actually dozens and dozens of my photos from the last few years are zero length files.

When attempting to download my nextcloud files on a different machine, I installed the client app and it says sync is done/finished/ok, but it's only synced down 40GB from the server which claims to have 300GB of data, also.

Don't use Nextcloud, don't trust PHP developers, don't trust Euro data hippies.

@sneak what are you using now?
I wanted to set up my own nextcloud instance but this isn't really what I'm looking for in my gdrive replacement.

@sneak I too, discontinued to use the Nextcloud desktop sync client. I use syncthing, or rsync, or Magic Wormhole instead.

Nextcloud can be trusted, but only in a piecemeal way: one Nextcloud app at a time, getting to know them. Some Nextcloud apps are more "Mickey Mouse" than others.

Any org seriously considering it should prototype it and stress-test it. Nextcloud especially loves being on-prem where LAN latencies are low.

#Nextcloud #OpenSource

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