
i wonder if people will look back at us spending person-centuries folding clothes manually the same way we look back at people spending person-centuries washing clothes by hand in the river

@sneak I special requested a previous model of the new washing machine I bought this month just because the only upgrade was adding a WiFi chip and an 'app' you could download. How about less data tracking and instead give me a washer + dryer + folder combo.

@toastal you can get it and just not connect it to your network, leave it offline. for most appliances connectivity/apps are still optional.

@sneak you're in the EU though... I wouldn't trust that a device wouldn't connect to a open WiFi or meshing with another same-branded device without my permission. I'd read a story that at some point on of the SMART TVs was sending data down the coax cable to the cable box even if it wasn't connected to WiFi or Ethernet. Considering the only upgrade was the WiFi stuff, it's probably safer without 😅

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