sometimes RMS says things that are really good, and sometimes RMS says things that are really bad. it's funny because he's so consistent with his rightness (on certain topics) or wrongness (on certain other topics).

on this one, he's correct:

@sneak say what you will, rms has impeccably consistent internal logic
@sneak hes pointing out that the definition of consent is so poorly defined in law and that the "think of the children" fallacy was used to repress any further debate on whether children are mentally capable of consent in any situation

face it, some adults arent even capable of consent. who the hell turned this into a thing about children specifically?
@sneak if you were looking for me to bash paedophiles with you then you picked the absolute wrong person. i have no moral position on paedophilia, since i consider it separate from sexual abuse
@sneak also the fact that AoC is not universally agreed upon should be your first red flag that the notion of "child" isnt even one we have properly defined

@wowaname ahh yes this is all very consistent and rigorous as you have previously promised. i bow to your superior logical reasoning skills.


@wowaname you are clearly the superior evaluator and have reached the superior conclusion that diddling kids is okay because of the impeccable argument "laws aren't the same everywhere!" it's amazing nobody else has thought of this clearly accurate and correct logical evaluation before

@wowaname i will be sure to consult with you in the future if i ever have trouble working out some logical reasoning. i hope you don't mind that i saved your contact info in the event i should ever need to call on you. it's under 'k', 'k' for kid-diddler

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