i fucking hate giving adobe money but i'm still not ready to use cracked lightroom because it has so much valuable shit stored in it. at least i downgraded from the $600/year full creative cloud to the $250/year lightroom-and-photoshop-only one. fuck adobe.

please someone replace lightroom with something usable (it isn't darktable, shhh)

Why don’t you make something better since it’s so easy instead of crying about Adobe?
@bot @sneak just use Capture One it’s way better than Lightroom
I doubt he’d prefer that since it still costs money. Though there is a standard license model…

@bot @gray i mean if i switch i'm switching to a cracked version obviously

That’s very dishonest, but I really don’t care if you choose to get your computer hacked.
Stealing from others for your own personal gain is dishonest.
You did. You admitted you’d steal and exploit the work of others for your personal gain, even though that work is essential to your workflow.

@bot @gray i can't believe it's 2023 and i still have to explain to people that copying isn't stealing

Yet you won’t make your own, and if you did, you’d be upset about others stealing your work. Lmk when you grow up beyond sophistry and dishonest arguments.

@bot @gray and you must have missed the part where i say i'm not a capture one user? how do you jump from that to "essential to your workflow"? the mind reels


STOP USING drugs YOU BAD person. HE DIDNT SAY STEALING. he confirm adobe is SHIT COMPANY. And I too use cracked VERSION. because WE IN THE MOMENT ARE POOR PEOPLES AND because AND CRACKED VERSION WORK MUCH BETTER than original version. Include Adobe Photoshop IS LYING FROM LIE, because paint people's that are not real. if someone is fat, it can make him not be farm YO WANT BE NOT FAT in real life then everybody has to do.
@gray @sneak

Tell this to bill gates and government Davis. THEY KILL INNOCEN PEOLES.
@gray @sneak

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