@sneak #Funfact: You can literally do #Apple #AdapterPolonaise to this day:

Like USB-C -> Lightining -> Dock Connector &
Thunderbolt 3 -> Thunderbolt 2 -> FireWire -> ADB

Also Apple's unwillingness to admit that #Lightning was shit from Day 1 AND that their #AntiRepairDesign does outweight any #Recyling and #Sustainability efforts they claim to do...

@kkarhan lightning was a vast improvement over everything else available and i'm glad they did it and i'm glad they stuck with it. also i'm fairly certain that apple invented usb-c and put it through the usb-if so it wouldn't be associated with them and would become universal. it's basically just like lightning v2.


No, #Lightning was a proprietary bullshit solution and #Apple's #licensing as well as poor quality of it's cables and the tendency for said contacts to corrode made it worse than if they had just chosen to make a miniature version of #MagSafe with USB 2.0 in it.

Also no, Apple didn't invent #USBc and with their bs connector actively stifled it's adoption.

Stop excusing a corporations bad choices because to them you are worth less then the revenue you make them.

@kkarhan the amount of money apple makes from lightning is irrelevant to apple. it's purely about improving the UX of the phone over the 30 pin dock connector and micro/mini-usb. obviously.

@sneak It's not about #UX because otherwise they would've #OpenSource'd it or worked together with other manufacturers to make a better alternative.

They could've adopted #Qi+ as charging standard but chose not to.

They could've chosen to make a connector like with the #iPad's Keyboard Covers, but chose not to.

Like with the #AntiRepairDesign, #Apple doesn't care about it's customers or users beyond how they can maximize profit...

And demanding #MFi #licensing fees is a way to fleece Fans...


@kkarhan you are applying your bias, and it's only negatively affecting you. apple doesn't work with other manufacturers because they're slow and because of the osborne effect, obviously. iphones have become more repairable over time, you may note...

mfi licensing doesn't really make any significant money for apple. would you agree that it's not fleecing if that is true?

@sneak It doesn't affect me at all, since I've never wasted a single cent nor show escalating commitment to evidently bad solutions...

But then again: #Apple fans would likely find justifications for a #Paywalled shutdown fnction just as Apple fans find justifications for every #AntiRepair - Assholeism Apple pulled.

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