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the misapprehension of what a logic gate is in these viral tweets nerd-sniped me into laying out an SR latch working on crab logic

(Vcc = a tube connected to an endless source of crabs)


YOU CAN RUN DOOM ON 16,039,018,500 CRABS


@tedu imagine thinking xfce is impressive or good

sometimes i'm sad that democracy is so prevalent. the correct federal response to what the governors did in texas and elsewhere in the idiot south is not indignant news articles, it's the vader force choke. i've seen those romanian WASRs around... they used to be like $300! now they're easily 3-4x that, in less than 10 years. $1k isn't bad for it, still, but i wouldn't consider those "high quality". 1911 is to kimber as ak47 is to {x}? block is rude because fedi clients seem to think remote users should be able to remote control my computer. my messages are public and i don't care who replies to them, i just don't want to see or hear about replies from the crazy religious right jerks on the fediverse.

my pc, on its side with its side panel off, annoyingly expensive GPU perched in its center, is under one desk exactly where my feet go and the footrest is on my other desk, because my displayport cables were too short. i have three longer cables now but crawling around under the desk and threading them through the vesa pole is such an annoying drag governments and militaries are comprised of people. i didn't ask for a survey of local laws, i am simply asking for a recommendation for a brand and model of rifle to purchase, from people who know about such things. it's not posturing or pretense, i just want to buy an ak-pattern rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm and i want recommendations on manufacturers.

the culture war is insufferable, and leaks out into so many things. i'm so glad for the mute button. guns are legal in every country

should i sell my a7s3 and buy an fx3 instead? afaict it's the same sensor and cpu/ISP, similar menu systems, et c, and roughly the same price. got any manufacturer names? any of them available in CONUS?

i've never had a sony-branded lens (other than the 35mm f/2 also-zeiss-branded prime on my RX1r) that i've loved. i *loved* the canon 50mm f/1.4 and the 50mm f/1.8 plastic wonder (which, to my surprise, is now like $150 instead of the $80 it used to be).

this extension automatically fastforwards over youtube intros and sponsor chunks.

i love it. big love to ajay ramachandran ( for making it.

$2000 for the sony 50mm f/1.2 g master prime that came out is a far cry from the $80 canon 50mm f/1.8 plastic wonder i used to rock as default for photos, or even the $350 for the canon 50mm f/1.4 that i upgraded to, or the $1200 (iirc) the canon 50mm f/1.2L that i lusted after.

where's the best place to get tshirts screenprinted in very small (1-5) quantities? must have pre-ban AA 2001 or post-ban LAA 20001 stock.

the fact that american puritanical bullshit culture still results in canonical versions of rap songs having obvious censorship in oftentimes each verse, and songs being produced in two versions simultaneously, the artistically superior one and the "watered down for public display" version, is a blight upon art and the industry

it remains an epic tragedy that in the wake of the release of "808s and heartbreak" no one in techno released a response album called "909s and ecstasy".

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