Show more indeed. the job of a leader is to advance and promote an organization or ideology, and if they can't do that without causing collateral damage, then they are a bad leader. it's not about them or what they did or didn't do, it's about the benefit to the organization. a good leader knows this.

drupal, bdsm 

@newt @icedquinn free software didn't turn into politics, lone wolves liked to pretend they didn't exist in society. now society is into software and you actually have to acknowledge being good or bad at participating in society, and sometimes lead. being a good leader (and board member) doesn't give a fuck about how good you are at writing compilers alone in a basement. it is a different skill and being good at one is orthogonal to other

@icedquinn what does being on a board have to do with his technical aptitude? this is a leadership position, not a development role. he should stay in the fucking basement and make commits, he is unfit to speak to other adult humans or lead anything

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@newt @deadheat
communism still isn't obvious how terrible it is. it sounds like a wonderful idea apropos of nothing. which is how people get in to it. nobody sells communism by highlighting it always comes with mass murders and ends in failed police states.

this is sad news. aside from the loss of human rights, it's a bummer to watch the US slide further down the hill away from being a place where the rule of law is respected. if an explicit constitutional carve-out isn't enough to preserve a right, nothing is. we've seen it happen to 4A and we are watching it happen to 2A and 1A.

reminder: eating at a restaurant or getting takeout is still unethical unless you can be reasonably certain everyone working in the kitchen (close quarters) has had the option to have been vaccinated if they so desire. otherwise you are creating incentives for the business to pressure them into risking their lives for a paycheck.

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Are you "morally white"?

@alrs the "danger" you aren't seeing is causing drama (which harms the fsf and free software) and alienating people (which harms the fsf and free software)

@alrs there are tons of things one can do that makes one a creep and makes others feel alienated and unwelcome that aren't criminal but are total disqualifiers for being in any position of leadership.

rms should resign and also get a mac

@icedquinn the issue is not his ability to vote, it is with the rest of the leadership who thinks associating with creepy toejam eaters is okay and isn't using *their* votes to immediately kick him out. that criticism is 100% valid, too. the fsf is doing a bad job of handling this crisis. rms is also not helping the situation. free software loses.

@alrs rms is a creep and has regularly gone over the line and trying to normalize it by calling it "kink on his sleeve" is an insult to kinky people everywhere.

also nobody who eats his own toejam in public should be in any position of leadership regardless of how you feel about sjws it is also worth considering that rms not resigning is now presently harming the fsf and their mission regardless of anything he did or didn't do in the past.

Hot take on RMS freedom of association is good and powerful. we should always be free to shun anyone we don't like, even if others believe they did nothing wrong.

i wanna get a lamborghini athon and park it next to my cybertruck

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