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@FediFollows @rnadness @Matomo @Krita @kritafoundation @Krita_artists @monarobot please let the people on and know that their admin has baselessly decided to censor their content from being accessible for following from my instance. (correspondingly they will not see this reply.)

@alex running "your own" instance on a giant cloud provider's vps is simply federation cosplay, except without the cool red jumpsuit

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The Great Man theory of social progress or art or anything is inherently colonialist and supports kyrarchy. It's a persistent idea in western culture and apparently nothing in a typical CS education ever challenges this. Computers are either invented by a series of great men or they exist in some sort of end-of-history eternal present. RMS is a great man. Therefore any toxicity in his actions is overlookable and toxicity in his defenders is at worst just over exuberance or at best necessary and therefore good.

I'm picking on CS here, but its hardly unique. I've been teaching a course this year that specifically invokes this model of history in the official design documents.

> While H&M's physical stores in China remain, it is no longer possible to hail a taxi to the shops using an app and consumers can't shop online. Instead China is championing local brands.

this is coming soon to the USA.

@sim his first press conference and not a single journalist asked about the pandemic. 300 dead per hour and... crickets. talk about a farce

@thor i always just assumed all of norway was like svalbard

perhaps everyone who is talking about the EVER GIVEN could go to egypt and we could all push on it at the same time

@kura yeah i am pretty sure that red part at the bottom is supposed to be angled way up, it doesn't look right being parallel with the water

@stux i didn't know AWS was operating that long ago! what does Jungle do?

gee, i wonder who did it. definitely not the (lying) pig husband, his son (also a pig) says he'd never hurt a fly!

at some point the term "exponential" entered the popular usage to refer to a single very large increase over a single previous value, an increase of which cannot by definition be exponential (because you can't define a curve with two points).

it's even in the nyt, which i believe is supposed to have people whose actual primary job it is to not let bullshit like that out the door.

i believe that there is an ongoing reduction in reading comprehension in the US, perhaps the world.

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reminder: the US has $400 billion USD to pay defense contractors for a vaporware fighter plane (2.3x bezos' net worth, and more than bezos+musk's net worths put together), but doesn't have enough space (in texas, lol) to hold unaccompanied children, so they have decided to break the law and hold them beyond the legal limit in concentration camps.

tell me more about how everyone paying their fair share and voting will fix this

@zeh i don't agree. i think many decent people are simply busy/distracted.

i wonder what the cost/benefit would be for making a second parallel suez and/or panama canal, just in case

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