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uspol, guns 

don't say "ask" when you mean "question". ask is a verb.

it only just now occurred to me that i successfully predicted the solarwinds autoupdate class of attack last year: deep/old brain structures for detecting ingroup/outgroup. the human brain seems naturally predisposed to be higher resolution for differentiation of faces that look like one's own, too.

@surfingalot don't confuse the BNB token with binance smart chain, which is a whole-ass blockchain and smart contract platform. it's not open source and the binaries are released without license. everyone is racist, it's well documented.

vaccine passports, privacy 

@pete TIL. i didn't realize it was that low pressure - i knew it was lower but not that much. how on earth (lol) is the terraforming going to work? where does the gas come from? underground water?

there was a gap of a few hours in between when my friend's death was announced and when his phone stopped sending delivery receipts to messages. that gap is over now and my temporary fantasy of him faking his own death is gone. this fucking sucks.

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The iOS privacy labels show the difference: One protects and values your privacy. The other abuses your data to maximize profits.
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what year is the first martian suicide or homicide by 96% co2 atmosphere?

lol, amex takes vuln submissions and sends them to hackerone, and replies with an autoresponder that says you have to confirm the report, and claims that clicking the link means you agree to the hackerone contract.

the link, of course, completely fails to render without javascript.

i will not agree to this contract and i will not render hackerone's javascript.

guess amex's vuln is getting published in a month.

@dajbelshaw over the last few years i've seen lots of f/oss people completely fail to recognize that people want to use macs over linux systems for good and valid reasons, dismissing their own ignorance of the circumstances by a false and pejorative mischaracterization of the person in question.

all of life becomes simple when they're just a stupid fanboi. they couldn't possibly have $REASONS that linux doesn't meet needs and can't compete.

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