Show more best account on the fediverse tbh

@anon00110 @Decentralize_today @sl1200 also, if it could be demonstrated that bitcoin has productive value, would your argument cease to be valid?

@anon00110 @Decentralize_today @sl1200 what is the productive value of gold, and what makes you think that even if it does have productive value, that utility is in any way related to its subjective value?

@sl1200 @Decentralize_today yes, that's the same with gold. how is bitcoin different?

@garritfra i think there need to be good matrix clients first. i haven't found a good privacy-respecting one.

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@sl1200 @Decentralize_today why is bitcoin a ponzi scheme but not, say, gold or land ownership?

@swaggboi @Dee that's not what points of failure are. if the CA goes down entirely your cert still works.

@cnx i think it's rude to speculate about people's health when it doesn't affect you, and it's double rude to gossip about it with unrelated third parties. why don't you ask him instead of me if you're so concerned?

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> make a mechanism to 'draw' on a whiteboard while mining ethereum 2.0
> people draw this
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mailservers use a lot less ram these days

holy fucke statping is great software.

I recently chatted with Bram Cohen (of Chia and formerly BitTorrent) and Adam Levine on the Hard Problems podcast, on the topic of ransomware. It's good (although a bit technical, if you're into that) and you can listen here:

Direct download link:

Discussion thread:

why did everyone turn dumber during the pandemic?

@wowaname also what is it with anti-signal people, you fuckers are worse than vegans. WE GET IT, YOU VAPE

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