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@graf i prefer to block individual users and not whole servers.

@surfingalot yeah probably. headache and sore throat and aches. i am slightly allergic to almonds but koia keto shakes are so good

in 2019 the us military once paid out $131 for killing the wrong person.

if you or i do it, we get a life sentence.

@graf your users are crap though :( almost every interaction i get from that domain is terrible. i have like two dozen ppl muted

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Museums are finding it nearly impossible to post imagery containing artistic nudity on social media because their posts keep getting deleted and accounts suspended or banned, so Vienna's museums opened a page on OnlyFans.

TikTok closed the Alberta museum account for showing an obscured woman's breast.

Facebook ruled the 25,000 year old Venus of Willendorf figurine as pornographic and removed the post.

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drinking almondmilk keto shakes triggers three of the same symptoms as covid in me. antigen rapid test says no covid, though.

ios15 lets you disable AMBER alerts without disabling emergency/safety alerts. that's good.

you can also silence emergency/safety alerts in silent mode (normally they burst through and still make a sound even if your phone is silent).

glad to see these settings.

pairing airpods pro to a mac makes avconferenced make connections to some apple subdomain. blocking avconferenced from making any outbound connections does not seem to degrade functionality.

yes, analytics are off.

@cnx @amolith git-on-the-web is social software; srht is product managed by lone wolf dev(s) who are actively antisocial and it makes for a bad product, IMO. you can turn off icloud and imessage and facetime, and install a DoH profile from nextdns on the device to block most communication with apple. nobody makes phones anywhere near as good as apple's hardware, sadly.

it's crazy that in one generation we went from most people's private communications in the usa not being monitored and logged by the government to very nearly 100% of people's private communications being monitored and logged by the government.

that's not enough though, so apple is putting in clientside scanning for the government, too.

sitting here tearing my hair out reviewing iam instance role json line by line by line and it turns out i had the item arn wrong the whole time

the terminal that ships with current linux on chromeos is also broken, hence needing cargo to compile alacritty

@SuperDicq twitch is owned by amazon who collaborates with the CIA

aws cloud shell only permits a not-configurable 1GB for ~. This is bunk as even a gopath with all the default go development tools and a normal set of vim plugins will fill this up and render it unusable. :(

"cargo install alacritty" segfaults on whatever version of cargo presently comes with the debian inside of chromeos on a pixelbook.

how does one enable offline/local dictation on an iphone 12 pro running ios15? all of the enable options have network disclaimers.

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