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@surfingalot yeah that video does a good job showing it, and also sucks in every other way possible.

sometimes i wish that the antivaxxer lies about the government going door to door to collect and gas or otherwise malign the resisters would come true. covid only knocks about 1/1000 of the infected off.

@raphael @doenietzomoeilijk very few governments, perhaps zero, have cared enough about human rights to preserve them vigorously.

here are the hashes for macos monterey 12.0.1 installer that i'm seeing over here:

nostromo:/Volumes/Install macOS Monterey$ shasum ./BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg ./Install\ macOS\
785e60e566d54e5657a5b0c70daa3ee227052e4e ./BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg
c33afa5bffc65afbc104e63f9542a20d1179b297 ./Install macOS

matrix/element is crap. there, i said it.

please stop telling me to use it. it sucks.

i didn't even get my automatic mac provisioning scripts repo updated for 11.x and now 12.0.1 is out.

@raphael @doenietzomoeilijk yup and you're free to build and sell those tvs and get ignored by people who don't want them because people don't want to be a sysadmin, they want to pay someone else to do it for them.

nostromo:~/tmp/12.0.1$ shasum "./Install macOS"
c33afa5bffc65afbc104e63f9542a20d1179b297 ./Install macOS

On the 30th of April 2021, Apple committed to encrypting their OCSP revocation checks and providing an opt-out so that your mac doesn't phone home on every app launch.

Tick tock, motherfuckers.

We're now a new major version beyond and unencrypted OCSP is still (I assume) a thing. (Downloading os12 now, will confirm.)

reminder: the hardware pipeline is 2-3 years long. apple had these new systems on and beyond the drawing board for the entire time you were screaming about the touchbar.

there is a product manager inside of apple that is in charge of memoji.

i think they may have also been an extra in mike judge's idiocracy

there is a key on all modern macintoshes that opens the music app, which, upon opening, transmits your unchangeable hardware serial number to apple over the network.

there's a literal hardware phone-home button.

@raphael @doenietzomoeilijk you're arguing for a restriction on freedom of association, which is a violation of human rights. it's insane to advocate that people should not be able to use the products and services they freely choose to do so. keep your opinions out of my business.

the on-device dictation stuff in macos 12.x and ios 15.x doesn't actually *always* run on-device. it only does on-device if the off-device one is slow or unavailable. it's actually no privacy guarantee at all unless you're doing your dictation inside of a faraday cage.

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