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@genmaicha people who ignore the NAP are uncivilized and irrelevant to the discussion

@tejr I consider the agpl to be nonfree due to the restrictions it places on a developer

@ang3l12 selfhosted mailserver for some of my domains

sneak boosted

@genmaicha you can't own a voice and you can't own an image, but nice try.

you wouldn't download a car you confuse a discussion of human rights for a discussion of civil law. i'm muting you now, please have a nice day. no, you're confused. you don't own your image, and spreading a picture of you (which has nothing to do with you!) around does not violate your rights or privacy in any way. it literally has *nothing to do with you*. it's like trying to regulate me telling a friend that i saw you on the street wearing a red shirt; it's insane to think that you have a right to control harmless communications to which you are not a party.

sneak boosted i am not talking about the law. i'm talking about my rights. it's a common misunderstanding for people to assume that human rights come from the law. they do not; human rights predate law.

the backblaze b2 cli reports file transfer speeds in <prefix>bytes/sec. the convention for bandwidth is bits/sec. why no, i am well within my rights (100% and absolutely objectively true) to freely photograph anything i can see in public. there's no transgression involved. you're confused if you believe otherwise. (processor for sends a "track your order from $SELLERNAME" emails, but it doesn't include a tracking number - just a "download our app to track!" ad.

fuck you and fuck your spam.

sneak boosted I repeat: taking photos of someone in a public space does not violate their privacy. to literally answer your question, if you want 100% privacy, and nobody else in society to ever know where you are, then yes, you must refrain from all societal interactions taking a photo of someone in public does not violate their privacy.

@puniko could it be fedi is obsessed with all boobs, of which your boobs are just a subset?

sneak boosted

If anyone wanted to try Linux for a long time, but just never had a good reason to - now is as good time as any to do this.

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