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what's the US LTE or 5G carrier that you can simply pay per GB used and not get throttled at x GB? i'm using fi but it throttles you and caps your bill after x GB, and i'd rather pay more and not be throttled to 128kbps (i downloaded apple OS updates on LTE today and destroyed my data cap) there is a safari 0day out that lets webpages own the whole system, too

it's sort of crazy, internet i regard today as very slow would have been mindblowingly fast for me when i first got broadband

sneak boosted

@nihl Well, I also have some cool SPARC hardware, so I’m using this opportunity to post yet another photo of that stack 😉

@eloisa that has literally nothing to do with the question i asked.

fucking ios won't let me download updates bigger than 1gb on cellular, even though i pay my carrier for unlimited data. it wants me to connect to wi-fi. if i pull the sim out of the ios device and put it in a wifi lte router, it works fine to do the download over the same connection.

fuck this platform

OS updates for M1 macs (like today's 12.2 security update) connect to some random 17./8 on port 80 to "personalize", which presumably transmits your hardware serial unencrypted? i'm redoing it now, while pcapping, to see what it is actually sending...

@xorman @mike but it doesn't cache the videos of subscriptions locally, does it?

i want to, for example, have a raspberry pi I bring with me places that has hundreds of gb of video on it, and only downloads new stuff from channels as released (due to shit slow/metered mobile connections), and can be used locally/offline, but stays current when connected to the internet.

rss isn't the goal, the net effect of a "download my feeds automatically for offline reading" that an RSS reader provides

there are at least 5 places in brave you have to opt out from it advertising to you or trying to get you to use their services, the first .com ever registered, has a webpage on it that does not render without javascript.

one of the original tenets of the world wide web (which of course .coms predate) is graceful degradation: that if your computer sucks and can't do the thing, it will at least still render the words.

guess we can cross that one off the list...

this person literally said they only care about human rights in one nation: that is, for only part of the humans.

lol macos makes you agree to a license to run /usr/bin/strings

even with location services off, anything that uses maps on macOS will send locations to apple because it fetches tiles from the apple maps tile servers. yes but the system does not put the monitors to sleep because it's sitting at the console. linux does not implement blanking by default.

i really wish my calendar reminders for all day events would bug me incessantly about them at like, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm on the day. i snooze the notifications of friends' birthdays at like 9am or whenever they go off, and then i'm working in the evenings when i need to be reminded and end up forgetting until it's super late where my friends are and too late to call. i literally remembered my friend's birthday today at 23:59 in the timezone we're both in (after several alert reminders at like 9am)

If you boot an encrypted disk ubuntu/kubuntu, it will boot up to the point where you can enter your disk crypto password. this is console, not an intelligent graphics mode, so there's no screensaver. it displays the same thing on all attached displays, regardless of rotation. there is no display sleep timeout, if you boot your computer and leave the room for a few days, it will burn the disk password prompt right into your displays.

it's 2022

note well that this is WITHOUT using a single apple service: no icloud, no app store, no facetime, no imessage, no handoff, no Apple ID at all!

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