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@Decentralize_today i wonder if they know that whatsapp is also facebook same but abnormal is not the same thing as not straight

@lxo to that point, the "application service provider loophole" isn't a loophole at all. free software could be one of the most hugely beneficial ideas in the history of the world (look what happened to linux, and clang, and node, and mysql, etc) but the AGPL kneecaps this possibility because it's fundamentally *unfree* in the sense that it destroys the *service* (not software) vendor's privacy for their "secret sauce".

you don't owe anything "in return" for a gift freely given.

@lxo no the most important users are the ones who are being economically productive and making the world better and more efficient for others. end users don't matter much in the scheme of things. i'd rather have 5 more steve jobs' than 5x the number of iphone users as an available market.

@IslandUsurper @dajbelshaw it's easy to run a browser that doesn't spy. it's easy to configure a browser not to allow spyware in webpages.

simply downloading ungoogled chromium and installing a default config of ublock origin is sufficient to solve the problem in 99% of cases. if you want an extra layer, configure it to speak DoH to nextdns and you can configure DNS-based blocklists there.

your question suggests a sort of privacy nihilism. it's entirely possible to reduce/eliminate tracking sex is such a furtive and avoided topic in the usa that having an abnormal one isn't the downside one thinks it would be.

@dajbelshaw you should not use the zoom client software. it is spyware. use zoom only on the web, in a browser

@dajbelshaw macos has tons of phone home constantly. if you want a reasonably private system you have to install little snitch and disable all the built in rules for apple crap and deny about 20 processes any internet access

@lxo a zealot is someone who won't change their mind and won't change the subject

you're forgetting about the freedoms of the most important users

@lxo the operator of a business uses software to conduct that business and is the user of the software. when you use SaaS you aren't a software user, you're just handing off your data for someone else to use software to provide you with service. it's the difference between cooking and going to a restaurant.

amazing to me that people don't see the obvious ones:

- we apply due process to people based primarily on economic status

- we routinely let people in custody of the state die from easily preventable diseases or get physically attacked/raped

- the police selectively enforce laws and prosecutors selectively prosecute people to push entirely undemocratic agendas

the guy who invented the modern computing architecture we all use also was in favor of starting a nuclear war, dr strangelove style, with the ussr, because he thought they just plain needed killin: it was von neumann, actually!

> During a Senate committee hearing he described his political ideology as "violently anti-communist, and much more militaristic than the norm". He was quoted in 1950 remarking, "If you say why not bomb [the Soviets] tomorrow, I say, why not today? If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock?" trying to find out who it was, i don't remember. it was one of the famous ones there are actually humanitarian justifications for the weaponization of nuclear fission. not good ones, but they do exist. also iirc one of the manhattan project people was fiercely nationalistic and wanted US military superiority, it wasn't a "do this or go to jail" sort of thing.

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