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@staticvoidmaine there is a lilygo product on there that seems to not be available any longer, but she made another which i ordered: i have a lot of users from those domains blocked/muted

@wilbr oh yes that's exactly it you've figured me out

so far 100% of the calls for violence i have personally seen on the fediverse have been from one single community of people.

new record: 39 days into the calendar year without getting tricked by a fart

@staticvoidmaine didn't even know there was a pine wearable, will look into this!

i pick up my shiny new android (for graphene) in a few hours.

@jgoerzen @enigmatico i disagree. the defining feature of the web (not http!) is hyperlinks, the connection of any text on any page to any other page. that's where the term "web" comes from. text/plain does not support hyperlinks, therefore text/plain served over HTTP is not "the web".

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it's bothersome to me that if i had already bought a house in japan like i want to, i would not be legally permitted to go to it right now

borders are such bullshit

@staticvoidmaine i don't like doing hardware that much, i'd more like to buy something. are there any hackable smartwatch platforms where i can buy something that already exists and write software for it?

i'm thinking about running a hidden wordpress install simply as a CMS backend that dumps out rss, and then writing a plugin that triggers a jekyll rebuild-and-deploy from the RSS feed on any update

@IslandUsurper @dajbelshaw your conversation is (potentially) being spied upon. the processes on your computer are not. the zoom client software does a lot more spying than the browser app.

i was thinking maybe a traditional analog pager with a small rpi-powered transmitter too lol

or maybe this

perhaps a belt-mounted pager-alike with an 18650 in it

idea: a non-clock wearable that has a battery that lasts a long time, and receives haptic notifications only from a selfhosted web service. an android app that hooks into handset notifications and forwards only notifications from certain apps or certain priority/regex. sysadmin tools can also POST to the notification endpoint for paging/alerts.

i really want to receive *certain* notifications 24/7. i really don't want to carry my phone around the house all of the time, or be interrupted. as a stålenhag fan this is great to see. does krunner still have bad launch latency? last kubuntu i used on modern hardware (10 cores, no load, all flash, tons of ram) it would sometimes lag for a whole second or two before showing up.

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@enigmatico technically the left one is not web design as it's text/plain and not text/html

@dajbelshaw people who choose spyware tools increase their brand reach and perceived acceptability in the marketplace and make it worse for people who don't. you can't get a doctor's appointment in italy without agreeing to the abusive facebook TOS to get a whatsapp account because of decisions like that. it's 100% ignorance of the harm, because I refuse to believe people are that selfish and destructive intentionally.

@dajbelshaw the only presumption made there is that you don't want spyware on your computer. not a security consultant, i hope...

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