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@kaia imagine not having 24/7 grocery stores

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The year is 2040.

You log into a cafe and your coffee-app automatically pops into the foreground till you order.

You select the UltraEthics choice which gives $0.50 to Starving Orphans Inc.

You read about the two political parties: Rich and More Rich, and wonder why nobody talks about anything else.

The coffee arrives, the cost automatically comes off your Musk-Coin, along with 2% PayPal fee.

Some idiot is trying to pay in cash. Unlike him you a pragmatist and just want to use what works.


you're just cheating yourself out of the free QA your userbase has done for you.

why is adobe trying to peer pressure me into making my files available to the government without a warrant?

@eli it's obvious that you don't know what propaganda is if you think it has to be counterfactual to be propaganda

simply not using social media is not a solution to the current implementations of social media being bad. socializing on the internet with billions of people (i.e. not irc, not the fediverse, not matrix - the people using WA and IG and Twitter etc) is one of the best things to ever happen to humanity, and it sucks bad that it's been zucced by a greedy, totalitarian sociopath. if elon unfucks twitter it might be totally fucking amazing.

just when i thought i couldn't like elon more.

i might actually go back to twitter if he does e2e for DMs (which he said he wants to) and stops with the censorship. that would make twitter one of the best things ever on the internet.

@x iphones leak data to apple constantly, including sim card number and hardware serial. they are as bad as google.

there is just too much jank everywhere in graphene. camera app jank, vpn jank, keyboard jank, browser jank

i think i have to reluctantly switch back to an iphone

i should start a webpage cataloging the excuses i have heard for why people simply can't delete their FAANG/Twitter/Microsoft accounts.

@libreleah "fuck twitter, but i'll still donate content and MAU numbers when I don't have to"


@nav @squid it also doesnt violate copyright even if not satire

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actually linux is the name of the kernel, the operating system is called linux's monster

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