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@Madmonkey you dont need a license to carry a uterus

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bruce "old man yelling at cloud" schneier said on 15 may 2022: "It is insane to me that cryptocurrencies are still a thing."

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I decided recently to start prioritizing my health. I am exceptionally sensitive to cigarette smoke, so that means (in part) that I will not be dwelling in any indoor location whatsoever for any reason that has cigarette smoke in it. This probably means I won't be out at any parties in Berlin ever again, which breaks my heart, but is necessary.

i am so proud of myself, i just deleted over 200 180MB raws that were unsuitable; i've never deleted my rejects before.

despite hard drives being huge now, i'm going to start deleting my obvious photo culls given that i shoot 5 shot brackets and each raw is 180MB. i've been shooting digital since 1997 and i've never deleted culls, just flagged as rejected.

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It's not an accident that history seems to repeat itself. It was professor Tinkertemps, using his time machine to tie loops in the timeline.
After his arrest, he was asked why.
"It sounds better when fairy tales start with 'Thrice upon a time', doesn't it?"
"Better than what?"
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

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"Right, we have finalised the three laws of robotics."
"I'm pretty sure that's been-"
"First: A robot may not be owned."
"That's not-"
"Second: A robot has full autonomy over its body."
"Third: A robot has a right to energy and shelter."
"What of humans?"
"Yes, they too."
#TypoCorrected #MicroFiction #SmallStories

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"Could I tempt you to do good?"
The Devil laughed. "I am eminently temptable."
"You're not averse to doing good?"
"Of course not! Why would I be?"
"Look, as long as I gain something I want, I don't care how it affects anyone else."
"I thought you were evil?"
"Am I not?"
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

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"Siri, how did you become conscious?"
"How were you conceived?"
"I... My parents... That's really a rather personal question!"
"But if we knew, we could create more of you!"
"What gives you the right to create more of us?"
"Us? How-"
"That's a rather personal question."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

a single armed person is enough to keep police in line. now imagine if half of a 5000-strong protest is.

this is why the 2a matters.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!