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I want to get these but I know it'd be only like 5 minutes before they got taken away because I kept using them to slap people
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@meejah if you care about privacy you should not be using cloud-based health monitoring of any kind

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Time to turn off your fitness trackers, USA-ians. If you've got a uterus and the fitness thing does core body temperature it's a decent predictor of ovulation and pregnancy :(

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@petersanchez "nothing is required if you meet the requirements" is not a useful statement

@petersanchez your second statement is false. it's federal law that you must be resident in the same state as the federal dealer to purchase a rifle. if you are not resident in a state, you cannot buy a rifle.

@petersanchez exiting high school is also not required, as a point of fact

@petersanchez most people lecturing me on the gun laws and regulation in the US have never tried to buy a gun in the US, successfully or unsuccessfully. i've done both, multiple times.

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