@avalos@mstdn.social @fsf don't conflate a lack of modern features with simplicity. irc is a nonstarter for 99% of people who need realtime chat: it lacks rich media, it requires an always-on connection, it rarely supports unicode, there are a million problems with it.
@fsf irc is terrible
@petersanchez try reading the things i wrote and not meaninglessly trying to interpret them into things i never said.
@nchprgmng @thegibson the pronouns are accusative/dative, not a list of options. eg: she/her, they/them.
@petersanchez i never claimed that
@meejah if your running tracker measures HR over time and uploads it to the cloud, it can track sexual activity.
Thank you @USPS @USPSHelp for this insult.
Me: this is my name
USPS: Error. Please enter a name
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