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macOS ventura 13.1 scans your local images using network API requests to apple when browsing local image files in the finder now.

be advised.

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People on Mastodon who whine about indexing of their public posts are like Chris-Chan...

They want to be public figures with an audience and a global platform, with all the benefits and trappings thereof... But they also want to be 100% invisible to anybody they deem a troll.

BE ADVISED: mediaanalysisd on macos ventura 13.1 will contact apple APIs when browing LOCAL IMAGES (in the finder via spacebar quicklook!) even with icloud off, without use of the Photos app - just browing local files.

Your Mac is now snitching on you.

my iphone's keyboard has been causing me like 10x more typos the last week than any other time in history. wtaf?

decommissioning imac pro. wiped internal disk. internet recovery installs high sierra. it is amazing how much better this OS is than today's product manager'd crap they are churning out.

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Been wondering for a while, but whose setup was this?
From the looks, it should be that of someone who RE'd drivers, who knew the potential of vertical space and was fearless enough to not worry about objects falling.

@icy isn't there an easy way to put in a cache on your end so that the clones aren't expensive?

@icy yes "just write a quick thing" is something i am trying to avoid

"Trying to run a tech company without trans women would be like trying to run a Broadway musical without Jews."


did some light sysadminning and now my main beefy server has 50% free disk space

what's the best way to consume github/gitea repo event webhooks and run commands as a result?

forever a member of the eastern standard tribe regardless of physical location. happy new year, y'all.

@mergesort the mastodon people have strange notions of "abuse". for instance, mastodon hides replies to you from remote people (which are in your local db!) if those remote people block you. that's equivalent to an email sender being able to delete things from your own inbox.

@mergesort nobody should be in control of how their posts can spread. what others talk about is not up to you.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!