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@kiwa do you have a landline or some sort of ATA sorcery that supports fax?

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@kiwa this exact logic led to me buying maxxed out mac studio this week

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not like i need another dumb big computer but i need another dumb big computer

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Pretending here the answer isn't "you had a 3x engineer and made then work like they were a 20x engineer and this burnt them out in like two years and now they're doing woodworking in a log cabin on the top of a mountain in Montana and if you mention computers to them, they'll shoot you in the face"

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It seems every company I've worked at has a person who looms large in their legend.
Like, they're often the person who built the core systems, everything was originally their design, but they left recently and in their absence they've had to hire like 5 more people to try and take over all their responsibilities.

I think next time I'm gonna track down that person, find out where they moved to, and go work there instead

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the existence of revolutionary/politician/political theorist V. I. Lenin suggests that there was also E.M.A.C.S. Trotsky

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fun fact: the number of transistors in a high-end CPU is just now passing the number of stars in our galaxy.

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Never need a man again
Cause I got a mannequin
Gonna love on their smooth balls
'Til they kick me out tha mall

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> We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
> Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
> #1) Respect the privacy of others.
> #2) Think before you type.
> #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
> For security reasons, the password you type will not be visible.

bro I literally own the machine

scenario 1: trump wins, trump becomes president again.

scenario 2: biden wins, trump supporters storm the capital again, this time with their rifles, and capital police are 10000% ready, and there is an *actual* insurrection, and battle (which the trumpites will lose, naturally), and all hell breaks loose.

both of these are bad. i don't know which is more bad, however. biden is also an old fool who is fucking everything up, just in orthogonal ways to how trump fucks everything up.

it occurs to me that is now better than napster ever was, even at its peak. there's more stuff on youtube than was ever on napster, and the average audio bitrate in mp3-equivalent is 160ish, which is more than the 128 that was most common on napster.

Apple products phone telemetry home to the host `` even when you have telemetry disabled in the OS.

@Moaske people do have the atom bomb and thus far it has been used only responsibly.

now that they are so similar, the US and China should merge, and slowly strangle Russia, and bring Europe to heel. then the Earth would finally be conquered.

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