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i have the distinct impression i’m gonna be super burned out on fried rice after this year.

@p @selea what kerfuffle, i mean? where? who? i didn't know there was a kerfuffle.

turns out that as dissatisfying as screaming into the void sounds, after twelve years of screaming into the void, it's better than not screaming at all

@p @selea also how did you hear about the archiver?

@p @selea i am a big fan of clickwalling spam or other things i don't like. end eyeballs should be able to choose.

@p @selea open relay is sort of a different thing though. i think this is more like editing emails as they come in as they are delivered to local users; it's a line i don't think people should cross. spamfoldering is one thing, editing is another.

@hypolite could you please cite a specific sentence I have written anywhere that shows contempt?

@p @selea i also don't think you should be tooting about spammers or posting screenshots of their usernames.

@p @selea i don't think you should edit toots to remove spam links. if you're a free speech extremist you should embrace people's rights to spam

in my mind people who object to the downloading of public toots for archiving/searching are like the people who tried to sue google for scanning all the books you seem to be confusing the production of source code (which I do) with the use of the resulting software to download/archive data (which I do not do). i don't need your permission to publish source code. :) have a nice day

I can still log in and review my tweet history, and can find all of my TOS-marginal ones except that one.

I think Twitter may have suspended me because I speculated (on Twitter) that it may be against the Twitter TOS to wonder why people don't ad hoc assassinate the guards at the child concentration camps. I opened a ticket, if this is true I'm going to put it on a shirt.

@hypolite just got banned from twitter so i'm not sure that is an option any longer

Twitter suspended my account today after 12 years of using it.

I also learned today that the data export functionality does not work if your account is suspended. My last backup is over a year old, so I've lost a lot of writing. :(

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