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just as i predicted, the rich old white rapist won the presidency! now to collect my winnings

the web3.js documentation is fucking terrible.

node reminds me of php these days, if you're like 3 versions back (as is common *everywhere*) there's fucktons of zany shit you have to deal with, which has of course been kinda-fixed in the current major version....

shoutout to the 59k michiganders who supported jo jorgensen.

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this year, online defcon used the censorship/surveillance platform Discord and the AWS (military defense contractor) owned Twitch, because there are no free software tools for running online events in the mid-five-figure size. jitsi shits the bed at a few dozen IIRC.

there's so much work to be done.

@newt @surfingalot i told the founder of m.t on twitter that censorship is bad. he realized i was following 4 or 5 people on his instance and freaked out at me and blocked my instance.

2000 law enforcement agencies in all 50 states + DC can decrypt your phone without a passcode, and they have done this hundreds of thousands of times since 2015, often without a warrant, according to schneier:

does NBC news think that hacked machines or hacked data would... be evident on election day?


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cursed idea: sh to systemd transpiler

$ cat
while true; do
echo 1 && echo 2
$ systemsh <
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl cat script.service
# /etc/systemd/system/script.service
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/echo 1
ExecStart=/usr/bin/echo 2
$ systemctl start script.timer
$ journalctl -fu script

@newt @surfingalot it's a real bummer to me that AP admins have deemed themselves the deciders of what other people are allowed to read. :(

my single-user instance is blocked on (17k users!) so i can't even read anyone on there. :/

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@hierarchon it's important otherwise people will have to remember to go to your website, which approximately nobody will do on a regular basis just because life is busy (same problem, heh). when you have a feed up send me an @, i will subscribe in feedly and read all your posts. reading your nix review now (i also recently switched to nixos)

@hierarchon i tried to follow your blog but there is no feed provided, could you please add an rss or atom feed and put it in the appropriate link tag in the header

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