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i bet snowden would chuckle: you have to enable javascript to render the page on to see who voted which way on the FISA Amendments Act:

ProtonMail doesn't support IMAP without running a background bridge/converter, only their HTTP API, so on mobile you have to use their firstparty app, not the native OS email client on the mobile device. this is fine.

however, their 1p email client doesn't let you sort a mailbox, or select multiple items and move them all to archive or a folder. unsorted, one by one. ugh.

@purlupar also possible that they use some service that validates domain names other than just dns, and the domain is only like an hour old. if it still doesn't work tomorrow i'll call them and complain until they fix it.

@purlupar it could also be that it's missing an A record at the root, as i just created it for... email (who would have guessed).

ultimately it's amex's bug and will need to be fixed, but yes, a .com is a safe choice.

lol amex's web app doesn't recognize (.email TLD) as a valid email address. what dipshits

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Mail from Twitch:

"Until May of this year, streamers received fewer than 50 music-related DMCA notifications each year. Beginning in May, however, major record labels started sending thousands of DMCA notifications each week."

"This means two things:

1) if you play recorded music on your stream, you need to stop doing that.

2) if you haven’t already, you should review your historical VODs and Clips that may have music in them and delete any archives that might."

Computers are fast now. DNS servers can handle a lot more. Stop using 86400 as a default TTL for RRs and start using something more sane like 3600.

first they came for the right-wingers, and i did not speak out because i was not a right-winger...

@tedu i am impressed by your command of global variables

@x @tedu do you know of perhaps any that aren't so zany?

sneak boosted

@x @tedu oh hey awesome now all i have to do is navigate some mercurial

the default for most 3p mobile email clients (e.g. gmail, protonmail) is to do a full on notification on *every single new message*.

can you possibly imagine?!

no wonder marketers love email so much: it's an instant demand for attention from the user.

are there any decent go implementations of activitypub that are production ready for a single user instance? kept hearing that go-fed was close, but has anyone actually used it?

the people who run stadia at google are utter fuckups

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After I left #Twitter looks like the birdsite suspended my account after I set my bio to

I then had to log back in and I had to solve a captcha. I dug through Twitter Rules and I'm pretty sure they're pissed off that the only thing I used Twitter was to siphon users to my Mastodon account. :patcat:

#surveillancecapitalism #fediverse #FediFirst #deletetwitter #birdsite

everything else aside, it's maddening seeing ar15s called "heavy weaponry" or "high-powered rifles". they are neither, they're light, low-power low-weight *carrying* rifles. they're about as small as you can get in a rifle. throwing about terms without knowing what they mean or if they even apply (another: calling something "high explosive" when it's not a high explosive, just normal deflagration explosive) is the fastest/surest way to lose credibility with anyone paying attention.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!