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If you try to run x64 apps in cli without rosetta installed you will get:

(sekey is from github, x64 bin):

user@MacBook-Air ~ % file $(which sekey)
/Applications/ Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

user@MacBook-Air ~ % arch -arch x86_64 $(which sekey)
arch: posix_spawnp: /Applications/ Bad CPU type in executable

after install:

user@MacBook-Air ~ % arch -arch x86_64 $(which sekey)
user@MacBook-Air ~ %

figured it out: rosetta is not installed by default unless you need it (for a gui app). even `arch -arch x86_64 <appname>` doesn't work until you try to run a gui x64 app and get the rosetta install prompt.

@timkrief no medium is for longform blogging. i'm talking about medium-*sized* content, like 2-4 paragraphs, what people use tweet threads for now.

there is still a need for longform federation, though. i used to work with Steem, which was reddit-on-a-blockchain, because of the need for censorship-resistant publishing.

the built-in macOS terminal now instead of defaulting to eyeball-searing black-on-white like a 1995 xterm now seems to respect the overall system light mode/dark mode preference and launches in white-on-black (at least with dark mode on. haven't and won't be testing with light mode.)

now for the good stuff:

the m1 is insanely fast, and as predicted, the keyboard/screen are unparalleled and flawless. even *with* huge marks off for the fact that the OS actively fights you on privacy and it's a huge pain in the ass to mitigate, the m1 macbook air is the best laptop ever made, and i don't say that lightly.

apple has stopped selling the last intel retina good-keyboard macbook air (the one immediately before the m1 air released this month), and that's really the only contender.

@Dashtop @sarvasana i just wrote 6000 words about why it's not, which should be published soon. free software has to compete first on merit, and *then* ideology, because competing on ideology alone means people will continue buying gasoline cars and burning gasoline until the last human is dead. it has to be the best *car*, not only the best *electric car*.

I microblog here on activitypub. I macroblog on my website, using git+jekyll. I wish there were simple ways to midblog, a paragraph or two here or there.

i fight every day to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. when you generalize, handwave, or otherwise try to signal boost (without boosting only the signal and excluding the noise), you *harm* the efforts of myself and others to improve SNR.

publish *accurately* or do not publish.

@fluffy @BrodieOnLinux "everything you do on your mac" strongly suggests content, not just metadata. it's clickbait fearmongering, and it *harms our efforts* to accurately publish the facts, because it reduces the overall credibility of the reporting on the matter, making it easier to summarily dismiss.


@BrodieOnLinux It's a big jump from "app launches transmit telemetry event data via unencrypted OCSP" and "everything you do on your mac can basically be seen on the network". App launches, while a big privacy leak, aren't "everything you do on your mac". Please don't be hyperbolic and stick to the facts. You do us all a disservice when you sensationalize.

@BrodieOnLinux ps: my beautiful header fonts look like dogshit on your browser. your choice of OS is making your world ugly every single day. (i thought i had designated and provided them as webfonts on my own domain, but apparently your system is overriding that or something?)


yeah, people like to reject information that doesn't fit their existing narrative, and happily accept/spread information that does. apple's narrative people are the best in the world.

sneak boosted

@sneak I've honestly lost track of how many times people have linked Jacopo's blog post to me after I made a video about yours without bothering to read your reply

@paoloredaelli mozilla also ships DRM and spyware and i'm unwilling to invest the time and effort to learn how to remove all the phone-home from their shit

@paoloredaelli GNU/Darwin might be possible actually if you reuse their signed kernel. i just got mine yesterday and haven't tampered with the OS yet, but bputil's manpage suggests you can disable the signed system volume verification.

today my chromecast screensaver popped this one up on one of my 4ks when the stream died. gorgeous, and serious fight club finale vibes. anyone know where this is? is that salesforce tower?

inside a photo taken in Photo Booth on macOS 11.x, there resides the text string "Copyright Apple Inc., 2020"


forgetting anything, Apple?

(hint: it's your IP address)

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