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saying "mature" like "nature" and "nature" like "mature"
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For anyone running #dovecot with #managesieve: make sure you configure your sieve and sieve_dir to be unique per user. If you don’t, the used filters will be those most recently configured by any user.

sieve_dir = /home/mail/vhosts/%d/%n/sieve/managesieve sieve = /home/mail/vhosts/%d/%n/sieve/active.sieve a member of the military leaking classified information that contains information about criminal activity. conversely blackmailing someone, and then carrying out the threat of exposure of some criminal/disreputable thing.

@surfingalot @francks your email is not secret and is already a huge source of spam. you don't fight spam by keeping your email private. you don't keep your email private: you give it to every stupid website you sign up on.

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So, just to remind you: that's Sci-Hub:

It's "illegal", don't use it to search for scientific information ;-)
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the past tense of william shakespeare would be wouldiwas shookspeared sometimes it is

if you have a fucking website, put your fucking email address on your fucking website for fuck's sake.


“All told, the airlines got $50B in public funds and saved 75,000 jobs. That's $666k per job. Now, obviously, the airlines didn't spend three quarters of a million dollars per employee over the past year – that money has gone to their shareholders, not their employees.” —Doctorow

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i think generally we call people in serious positions of power stupid or incompetent far far too much, really lets them off the hook with the fact they're just outright evil and hate most of humanity your registrar isnt gonna cancel your domain, this is a lot of work for no benefit

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Kids, always remember:

"You wouldn't download an education."

i downgraded from 15k followers on the birdsite to 500 here, but it’s worth it knowing that this is my own server and i know i don’t have to second guess any and every post, wondering if it will disable my account for wrongthink and lock me out of my DMs with friends.

i may set up a public fedi node for others to use, as well.

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mirrored from twitter 

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!